Setup your own Proxy Server in 5 Minutes for Free

Create a Free Proxy Server with Google App Engine
Here's one such proxy site that you can build for your friends in China or even for your personal use. This is created using Google App Engine and, contrary to what you assume, the process is quite simple.
Step 1: Go to and sign-in using your Google Account.
Step 2: Click the "Create an Application" button. Since this is your first time, Google will send a verification code via SMS to your mobile phone number. Type the code and you're all set to create apps with Google App Engine.
Step 3: Choose a sub-domain* that will host your proxy server. Make sure the domain is available, agree to the Google Terms and click save. The sub-domain is also your App ID that will uniquely identify your proxy application. Domain name look like this (xyz-web-proxy) here xyz is your desired name like john-web-proxy.
Step 4: OK, now that we have reserved the ID, it's time to create and upload the proxy server application to Google App Engine. Go to, download the 2.6.4 MSI Installer and install Python.
Step 5: Once Python is installed, go to, download the Google App Engine SDK for Python and install it.
Step 6: Download this zip file and extract it to some folder on your desktop. The zip file, for the curious, contains a couple of text files (written in HTML and Python) that you can read with notepad.
Step 7: Start the Google App Engine Launcher program from the desktop and set the right values under Edit –> Preferences (see screenshot above).
Step 8. Click File –> Add Existing Application under the Google App Launcher program and browse to the directory that you created in Step 6. Click the Edit button and replace "YOUR_APP_ID" with the ID (sub-domain) that you reserved in Step 3.

Step 9: Click Deploy and your online proxy server is now ready for use.
Note: You can edit the main.html file to change the appearance of your proxy server and you can even add Analytics and AdSense code to your proxy server in case it gets popular on the web. The application is currently open to all users but you can add a layer of authentication so that only users who are logged-in into their Google Accounts can use your web proxy server.
If you have made any changes to your HTML files, you can upload the latest version to Google App Engine either by clicking the "Deploy" button again or use the following command - update
Credits: Thanks Amit Agarwal


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